Adding Custom Isotopes to the Radiacode Database (Android Application)

If you wish to add your own isotopes to the database in the Radiacode Android application, you can do so by modifying a specific CSV file. This allows you to customize the isotopes and their spectral lines according to your requirements.


Steps to Add Custom Isotopes:


1. Locate the Application Directory:

  • Using a file manager on your Android device, navigate to the following path:


2. Prepare the CSV File:

  • Copy and Rename the File:
    • Find the file named AppIsotopes.csv in the directory.
    • Make a copy of this file and rename the copy to Isotopes.csv.
    • This ensures that your custom isotopes are loaded instead of the default ones.


3. Edit the `Isotopes.csv` File:

  • Open the Isotopes.csv file with a text editor that supports CSV format.
  • Add or Modify Isotope Data:
    • Input your custom isotopes following the specific table structure outlined below.


Table Structure for Isotopes.csv:


The CSV file should be structured with the following columns, separated by commas:

1. First Column (Nuclide/Descendant Nuclide Name):

  • Enter the name of the nuclide or its descendant.
  • Example: Cs-137


2. Second Column (Parent Nuclide Name):

  • Enter the name of the parent nuclide if applicable.
  • If there is no parent nuclide, leave this field blank.
  • Example: Ba-137m (Parent Nuclide: `Cs-137`)


3. Third Column (Energy in keV):

  • Specify the energy level of the spectral line in kiloelectronvolts (keV).
  • Example: 661.7


4. Fourth Column (Line Intensity in Percentage):

  • Input the line intensity of the nuclide, expressed as a percentage (%).
  • This represents the intensity relative to the parent nuclide and all its descendants.
  • Example: 85


5. Fifth Column (Line Type):

  • Indicate the type of spectral line using the following codes:
    • 5: Simple line (regular gamma emission)
    • 3: X-ray dotted line (non-selectable, usually for X-ray emissions)
  • Example: 5


Example Entry in Isotopes.csv:




  • Explanation:
    • The first line defines the nuclide Cs-137 with no parent nuclide, emitting a gamma ray at 661.7 keV with an intensity of 85%, and the line type is simple.
    • The second line defines the descendant Ba-137m of parent Cs-137, with the same energy and intensity, but the line type is an X-ray dotted line.
Important Notes:


File Location:

  • The Isotopes.csv file must be placed in the exact directory:


File Naming:

  • Ensure the file is named precisely Isotopes.csv for the application to recognize it.


Backup Original Data:

  • It's advisable to keep a backup of the original AppIsotopes.csv file in case you need to revert changes.


Formatting Guidelines:

  • Each entry should be on a new line.
  • Fields must be separated by commas without additional spaces.
  • Do not include header rows or extra columns.


Character Encoding:

  • Save the file in UTF-8 encoding to ensure proper character recognition.


Restart the Application:

  • After saving your changes, restart the Radiacode application to load the new isotopes.


Tips for Successful Customization:

Accurate Data Entry:

  • Double-check the energy levels and intensities for accuracy.
  • Incorrect data can lead to misidentification of isotopes.


Consistent Line Types:

  • Use the correct line type codes to ensure spectral lines display appropriately in the application.



  • After adding your custom isotopes, test the application with known sources to verify that the new entries function as expected.




Custom Isotopes Not Appearing:

  • Verify the file name and location.
  • Ensure there are no formatting errors in the CSV file.


Application Errors or Crashes:

  • Check for typos or invalid entries in the Isotopes.csv file.
  • Revert to the original AppIsotopes.csv file if necessary.


Permission Issues:

  • Make sure the application has the necessary permissions to read external files.
  • You may need to adjust the app settings or Android permissions.


Additional Resources:


User Manual:

  • Refer to the Radiacode user manual for more detailed information on isotope data formatting.



  • If you encounter issues, contact Radiacode support for assistance.


By following these instructions, you can effectively add your own isotopes to the Radiacode Android application, tailoring it to your specific needs and enhancing its analytical capabilities.